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General conditions regarding changes in the research team

General conditions regarding changes in the research team

In the case of a necessity, the head researcher can make changes to the research team, provided that he complies with:

  • The rules stipulated in these regulations.
  • The budget approved for the project, without any increase.
  • The set project goals.

Head researcher withdrawal or replacement

In case the head researcher wishes to withdraw from the project before its completion, or in case the head researcher wishes to relinquish his responsibilities as head researcher, the following must be done:

  • The head researcher submits his request to the unit using the appropriate form including:
    • The reasons for the withdrawal/ replacement decision.
    • A technical and financial report on the elapsed project time.
    • Nomination of a replacement head researcher.
    • A written consent form from the replacement head researcher, along with the new candidate’s CV and written commitment to assume all the inherent responsibilities of this position.
    • A written consent form from the research team to continue working under the leadership of the new head researcher.
    • A written consent from the unit and an official clearance form of the former head researcher.
  • If none of the researchers of the research team wishes to take on the position of the head researcher, the unit can nominate a head researcher from outside the research team.
  • The unit officially notifies the general secretariat of its decision.
  • The technical and financial responsibilities of the head researcher become the responsibility of the deputy head researcher in case the head researcher quits the research projects for reasons beyond his control that are appreciated by the unit.
  • The name of the head researcher’s appearance on the research after withdrawal depends on the extent of assignments he accomplished during his work on the project, provided he accomplished at least 50% of his responsibilities. It is the unit’s responsibility to follow this procedure and formally inform the general secretariat of the decision made with this regard.

Relocation of the head researcher

    In case the project’s head researcher relocates away from the stakeholder through whom the project was submitted, to work for another stakeholder, either before or after the beginning of project implementation, then:

  • The head researcher continues to supervise and monitor the project for the stakeholder through whom the project was submitted, and he may continue to follow up on the project.
  • The head researcher may withdraw from the project or switch roles with any of the research associates according to the items of article 4 of these regulations.

Withdrawal or replacement of a member of the research team

  • If a research team member is no longer able to continue working with the project, the head researcher must officially notify the unit, using the appropriate form designated by the general secretariat:
    • A formal apology letter from the relevant research team member explaining his decision to withdraw from the project.
    • The unit reviews the request to withdraw, the reasons for the request and the appropriate compensation due according to the financial regulations in effect.
  • In case the head researcher wishes to replace the withdrawn team member, the appropriate form must be submitted including the following information:
    • The name and CV of the considered replacement.
    • A letter signed by the replacement candidate expressing his commitment to take on all the responsibilities of the former research team member.
    • The unit’s authorization must be obtained.
    • The general secretariat must be notified of the unit’s decision.




Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:28am